Monday, May 29, 2006

George Michael and the Anti-Christ

Just home from seeing a preview of the remake of classic fright-fest The Omen. Am utter waste of celluloid. No frights, no chemistry between the actors, uninspired cinematography, bland direction by John Moore, and an almost exact re-write by David Seltzer of his original screenplay. Give it a miss, folks, it was laborious and tedious.

Leaving the cinema, my friend Cerise and I went out to a Japanese restaurant on Swanston Street for a quick bite. No sooner had we ordered than the waitress asked hesitantly, in broken English, if I knew the name of the song currently being played on the in-house PA. It was George Michael singing 'Careless Whispers.'

The fact that I knew that was far scarier than the film I'd just suffered through!


Tim Norton said...

Why did the waitress ask you about the song? That seems weird to me...

Bummer about The Omen - I was really looking forward to that. Love a good horror, especially one with mindless slashing. Sounds like a H2O-ish venture.

richardwatts said...

Dunno - either she recognised me as a potential font of musical wisdom, or - more likely - it was because Cerise and I were the only skips in the place, and given that the song was in English, she thought we were the best people to ask. Don't worry, it struck me as odd too, which is why I blogged about it!